2009/9/28 John <jfabi...@yolo.com>

> Hi,
> I have a development DB and a production DB.  I need a way to sync the
> changes
> I make to the stucture in the devel DB to the production DB.  I found
> pgdiff
> but can't get it to work.  I would like a solution that would work on
> windows
> and linux.   But I'll take either alone.
> postgres 8.3
> openSUSE 11.0
> windows XP/vista
> Thanks in advance for any help.
You could use standard text compare programs. They won't  write a patch for
you. There's still some niche for live DBAs.

pg_dump -sOx dev_db_name > dev.schema
pg_dump -sOx prod_db_name > prod.schema
diff -u dev.schema prod.schema

Filip Rembiałkowski

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