On Tuesday 4. May 2010 16.31.20 Tom Lane wrote:
> Leif Biberg Kristensen <l...@solumslekt.org> writes:
> > Now I only need a list of the built-in functions.
> There's an awful lot of them, many of which aren't really intended to be
> called by users anyway.  Can't you just do "if it looks syntactically
> like a function call, assume it is one"?

As the FAQ points out, «GeSHi is not a lexical parser, unlike other 
highlighting solutions.» <http://qbnz.com/highlighter/faq.php> So, that's not 
really feasible the way GeSHi is built. That said, I've already compiled a 
list of most of the functions from the documentation. I only omitted system 
administration functions which may be postponed for a later version. I've 
submitted a preliminary draft of a Postgresql language file, and am waiting for 
a reply.

Leif Biberg Kristensen

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