On 11/04/2010 11:10 AM, Bill Moran wrote:
In response to Michael Gould<mgo...@intermodalsoftwaresolutions.net>:

I know that this is probably a "religion" issue but we are looking to move
Postgres to a Linux server.  We currently have a Windows 2008 R2 active
directory and all of the other servers are virtualized via VMWare ESXi.  One
of the reasons is that we want to use a 64 bit Postgres server and the UUID
processing contrib module does not provide a 64 bit version for Windows.  I
would also assume that the database when properly tuned will probably run
faster in a *inx environment.

What and why should I look at certain distributions?  It appears from what I
read, Ubanta is a good desktop but not a server.
I use FreeBSD everywhere, and have over 10 years experience running
PostgreSQL on FreeBSD ... I've been extremely happy with how well
the two work together, including upgrade paths, performance, security,
and customizability.  I currently manage over 20 FreeBSD+PostgreSQL
servers at work.

If you're married to Linux, remember that PostgreSQL has had a pretty
tight relationship with Red Hat for a while now.

Beyond that, I think that any Linux distro that caters to a server
environment will work well for you.

The thing (in my experience) that's going to make you happy or angry
is how well the packaging system works.  Find a distro whos packaging
system keeps up to date with PostgreSQL releases and value adds stuff
to make upgrading, management, and migration easier and you'll probably
have a distro that you'll be happy with.

We have used FreeBSD but are moving to CentOS. Main reason is longer support window. FreeBSD usually goes EOL in a year or two. CentOS 5.x is supported thru at least 2014.

Stephen Clark
Sr. Software Engineer III
Phone: 813-579-3200
Fax: 813-882-0209
Email: steve.cl...@netwolves.com

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