On 4 November 2010 15:00, Michael Gould
<mgo...@intermodalsoftwaresolutions.net> wrote:
> I know that this is probably a "religion" issue but we are looking to move
> Postgres to a Linux server.  We currently have a Windows 2008 R2 active
> directory and all of the other servers are virtualized via VMWare ESXi.  One
> of the reasons is that we want to use a 64 bit Postgres server and the UUID
> processing contrib module does not provide a 64 bit version for Windows.  I
> would also assume that the database when properly tuned will probably run
> faster in a *inx environment.

Let's not make the mistake of assuming that Windows and Linux are more
or less comparable as Postgres platforms - they aren't. Most large
installations are *nix based, and many tuning guides assume that you
are using some *nix flavour, or mention windows only very briefly. I'm
not sure of the details, but the windows System V IPC compatibility
layer (or whatever it's called) that we ship + windows, simply don't
work as well as native System V IPC running on the same hardware. This
is why users are encouraged to try lower shared_buffers settings on
windows - better results are attained on that platform by using
proportionally more file system/OS cache.

However, it is worth acknowledging that there has been some excellent
work towards getting Postgres to work well on Windows, which it now
does. I can personally attest to that.

Peter Geoghegan

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