On 11/9/2010 11:36 AM, Sandeep Srinivasa wrote:

If it is independent of the OS, then how does one go about tuning it.

Consider this - I get a 12 core server on which I want multiple webserver instances + DB. Can one create CPU pools (say core 1,2,3 for webservers, 4,5,6,7 for DB, etc.) ?

I know about taskset, but should one be using it ?

There are plenty of things you might do, but first you need to figure out what problem you're solving. I'd suggest deploying a relatively simple configuration then evaluate its capacity under your workload. Does it run fast enough? If so, then job done. If not then why not, and so on...

The simplest configuration would be one web server instance and one DB instance.

I don't think you should be looking at process partitioning and core affinity unless you have already proved that you have processes that don't scale over the cores you have, to deliver the throughput you need.

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