On Friday, February 25, 2011 6:41:54 am Reid Thompson wrote:
> On 02/25/2011 09:30 AM, akp geek wrote:
> > Hi all -
> > 
> > I have recently upgraded from 8.3 to 9.0.2.
> > 
> > when I run the following sql in 9.0.2 "    select
> > to_timestamp('02/26/2011 14:50', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24MI') " I am getting the
> > following error  and the sql runs fine in older version
> > 
> > Is it my installation issue or library missing?
> > 
> > 
> > ERROR:  invalid value ":5" for "MI"
> > DETAIL:  Value must be an integer.
> > 
> > ********** Error **********
> > 
> > ERROR: invalid value ":5" for "MI"
> > SQL state: 22007
> > Detail: Value must be an integer.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks for the help
> > Regards
> military time doesn't have the ':' in the HHMM.
> look closely at your 'working' result, does it look like this?
> reporting=# select to_timestamp('02/26/2011 14:50', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24MI');
>        to_timestamp
> ------------------------
>   2011-02-26 14:00:00-05
> (1 row)
> reporting=# select to_timestamp('02/26/2011 1450', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24MI');
>        to_timestamp
> ------------------------
>   2011-02-26 14:50:00-05
> (1 row)
> Note the invalid time for the first result.

To confirm above I ran your query on 8.3.

Your original version:

test=# select to_timestamp('02/26/2011 14:50', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24MI');            
 2011-02-26 14:00:00-08                                                         
(1 row)                                                                         

Corrected for the ':':                                                          

test=# select to_timestamp('02/26/2011 14:50', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI');           
 2011-02-26 14:50:00-08                                                         
(1 row)                                   

On 9.0.3 corrected for the ':':

test(5432)aklaver=>select to_timestamp('02/26/2011 14:50', 'MM/DD/YYYY 
 2011-02-26 14:50:00-08
(1 row)

Seems 9.0+ is stricter on its parsing.

Adrian Klaver

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