> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 11:09:52AM -0500, dennis jenkins wrote:
>> Any suggestions on how to name tables when table names contain both
>> multi-word nouns and mutli-table "many-many" mappings?
>> Example:  Suppose that I have a table called "foo" and another table called
>> "barBiz" (or "bar_biz" if you prefer).  Further, both of these tables have a
>> "serial" primary key.  Now I want to create a third table that represents a
>> many-to-many relationship between "foo" and "barBiz".  So far I have been
>> keeping compound-noun table names in camel case, but mapping tables separate
>> the base table names with underscores.  Thus the table name would be
>> "foo_barBiz".
>> However, I find the above distasteful, for many of the reasons that Merlin
>> and others have outlined.  Yet naming the table "foo_bar_biz" seems
>> ambiguous to me, as does using just lower-case "foo_barbiz" / "barbiz".
>> These examples are contrived.  The real table names are normal English words
>> with subjective meaning.
>> I'd like in ask the pgsql community for suggestions on how they name tables.

Well, when I avoid camel case, then I use _ to separate words in a table name, 
and __ to separate table names.

Likewise with column names for foreign keys, __ between table and column name.

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice

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