On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Tom Lane wrote:

> Postmaster and backend switches are two different animals.  To specify
> a backend switch to the postmaster, you need -o.  Thus:
>       postmaster -S -o "-S 1000"
> selects silent postmaster mode and 1000K sortsize for the backend.
> In short: postmaster.1 != postgres.1 ...

OOPS!  My mistake.  No wonder I was confused.  I was basing my incorrect
assumptions on this:

devin@kanemochi /tools/pgsql/bin% ls -l post*
-r-xr-xr-x  1 devin  wheel  1469829 Jan  4 03:21 postgres
lrwxrwxr-x  1 devin  wheel        8 Jan  4 03:21 postmaster -> postgres

I was not aware the binary would behave differently depending on the name
it was invoked as.

Thanks for straightening me out.
Tod McQuillin

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