>> general opinion on the Cobalt mailing lists is that upgrading Postgre is
>> a very delicate task. 
>Check, at least not without practicing on a spare machine first ;-).
>One thing to think about is that there's no fundamental reason why you'd
>have to update the version of Postgres used by the OS.  You could
>install 7.0.* alongside 6.5, use 7.0 for your own purposes and leave the
>OS untouched. 

Yes, I do this myself with perl and python. And if I had a spare and
local Cobalt RaQ3, I'd try it with postgre. But again, I won't try this
with our public web server. 

When it comes to installing software on various unix flavors, I am able
to compile from source. If program does not work right away I normally
can beat it into submission. Even if I was an order of magnitude more
skilled at installs, I don't think I would attempt this particular


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