
Well, the 'complex' stuff is only as there for larger or high-traffic DBs. Besides at 60GB that is a largish DB in itself and you should begin to try out a few other backup methods nonetheless. That is moreso, if you are taking entire DB backups everyday, you would save a considerable lot on (backup) storage.

Anyway, as for pgdump, we have a DB 20x bigger than you mention (1.3TB) and it takes only half a day to do a pgdump+gzip (both). One thing that comes to mind, how are you compressing? I hope you are doing this in one operation (or at least piping pgdump to gzip before writing to disk)?

Robins Tharakan

On 11/13/2011 05:08 PM, Phoenix Kiula wrote:

I currently have a cronjob to do a full pgdump of the database every
day. And then gzip it for saving to my backup drive.

However, my db is now 60GB in size, so this daily operation is making
less and less sense. (Some of you may think this is foolish to begin

Question: what can I do to rsync only the new additions in every table
starting 00:00:01 until 23:59:59 for each day?

Searching google leads to complex things like "incremental WAL" and
whatnot, or talks of stuff like pgcluster. I'm hoping there's a more
straightforward core solution without additional software or PHD

Many thanks for any ideas!

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