What "other methods" do you recommend? That was in fact my question.
Do I need to install some modules?

Well depending on your PG version you could read up about the various backup methods. I believe you'll be interested in 24.3 there when you ask for WAL archiving. The good thing is, its useful for DBs much bigger and especially for those that 'cant' go down for even a minute, but yes it has its trade-offs. (Its not that bad actually, but its a call you need to take).


> I'm gzipping with this command (this is my backup.sh)--
>      BKPFILE=/backup/pg/dbback-${DATA}.sql
>      pg_dump MYDB -U MYDB_MYDB -f ${BKPFILE}
>      gzip --fast ${BKPFILE}

You could club the pgdump / gzip in one step, thereby avoiding extra writes to disk. The URL below should help you on that (pgdump dbname | gzip > file.gz)


You could also do a

pg_dump -Fc | gzip -1 -c > dumpfile.gz

at the cost of a slightly larger (but faster backup).

Robins Tharakan

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