On Nov 17, 2011 1:32 PM, "Tom Lane" <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> John R Pierce <pie...@hogranch.com> writes:
> > On 11/16/11 4:24 PM, Jason Buberel wrote:
> >> Just wondering if there is ever a reason to vacuum a very large table
> >> (> 1B rows) containing rows that never has rows deleted.
> > no updates either?
> To clarify: in Postgres, an "update" means an insert and a delete.
> So unless you mean that this table is insert-only, you certainly
> still need vacuum.
> > you still want to do a vacuum analyze every so often to update the
> > statistics used by the planner.
> If it's purely an insert-only table, such as a logging table, then in
> principle you only need periodic ANALYZEs and not any VACUUMs.

Won't a VACUUM FREEZE (or autovac equivalent) be necessary eventually, to
handle xid wraparound? If so, doing it pre-emptively might help avoid a
giant I/O load and work pause when its forced.

Or am I just confused?

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