On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 5:38 AM, Phoenix Kiula <phoenix.ki...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I currently have a cronjob to do a full pgdump of the database every
> day. And then gzip it for saving to my backup drive.
> However, my db is now 60GB in size, so this daily operation is making
> less and less sense. (Some of you may think this is foolish to begin
> with).
> Question: what can I do to rsync only the new additions in every table
> starting 00:00:01 until 23:59:59 for each day?
> Searching google leads to complex things like "incremental WAL" and
> whatnot, or talks of stuff like pgcluster. I'm hoping there's a more
> straightforward core solution without additional software or PHD
> degrees.

My standard advice to this problem is to do a HS/SR setup which solves
a number of problems simultaneously.  It still makes sence to take a
full snapshot once in a while though -- but you can take it from the


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