On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Venkat Balaji <venkat.bal...@verse.in> wrote:
>> Question: what can I do to rsync only the new additions in every table
>> starting 00:00:01 until 23:59:59 for each day?
> A table level replication (like Slony) should help here.
> Or
> A trigger based approach with dblink would be an-other (but, a bit complex)
> option.

If you don't actually care about the rows of data specifically, and
just want incremental data diff, you might look at what options your
filesystem gives you. We often use incremental snapshots on ZFS to
give use smaller copies that can be shipped off to the backup server
and used to reconstruct the server if needed.

Robert Treat
conjecture: xzilla.net
consulting: omniti.com

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