On 12/07/2011 03:23 PM, mamatha_kagathi_c...@dell.com wrote:
Hi Alban/Craig,

Employeedetailinsert is procedure I have created in PostgreSQL. When I try to 
execute the procedure directly in Pgadmin as

EXEC Employeedetailinsert (parameters same as below) It works fine with desired 
PgAdmin uses libpq directly. It must be translating the `EXEC' into something PostgreSQL can understand, because the psql command line tool (which also uses libpq) doesn't know what EXEC means.

regress=> EXEC dummyfunction();
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "EXEC"
LINE 1: EXEC dummyfunction();

But When I call the procedure in Classic ASP I get the below error. I do not 
understand why the driver assumes it as function in the 1st place. I am using 
Postgres Native driver .
Since you're talking about ODBC, I presume you're *actually* using PsqlODBC as your database driver. AFAIK there's no such thing as "postgres native driver".

In the call when I am using CALL as suggested below
OK, and since you're using ODBC the CALL gets translated to a server-side proc invocation, that should be no problem.

You're not actually showing your ODBC code or ODBC query string, which would be helpful.

Executing Procedure =EXEC employeedetailinsert( ' 
 DBA Practice','No','','')
PostgreSQL Native Provider error '80040e14'

ERROR: function employeedetailinsert(unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, 
unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, 
unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, 
unknown, unknown, unknown) does not exist LINE 1: SELECT * FROM 
employeedetailinsert(' 123','55','Mamat... ^ HINT: No function matches the 
given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.


- You might have defined your function with a double-quoted name, eg "Employeedetailinsert". This makes it case sensitive. If that's the case, you'll see it with a capital letter when you run the "\df" command in psql or browse functions in PgAdmin;

- You've mucked up your argument list and it isn't really the same length as what you used in PgAdmin after all or you've got the wrong data types;

- You might need to specify explicit data types for your parameters in the ODBC call, eg 'Active'::text . Please show your function definition (at least the line with "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ( parameters ) RETURNS ..." on it) so we can see what you're actually trying to call;

- You've set a search_path that means that your ODBC call can't find the function because it's in a schema that isn't being searched;

- .... ?

Please show your function definition.

Craig Ringer

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