Just wondering if anyone else has thoughts on this?

I'm still suspicious that this is a bug.

If I run EXPLAIN (or the query itself) on a database that has all the schemas and tables created, but just the relevant data touched by the query loaded.. then everything is fine.

The query plan is still hundreds of lines long, but running it doesn't use much RAM. So I think that eliminates work_mem-related issues.

It really does seem like it's purely the query plan itself that is consuming all the memory.

Has anyone else seen this?


On 25/04/12 16:18, Toby Corkindale wrote:
I'm hitting some peculiar behaviour. I'm currently on Pg 9.1.3 on a 64bit 
Debian system.

I have a database which is moderately large - 20 GByte or so - and contains 
that data split up over dozens of tables, which are themselves partitioned.
Queries are usually only run against fairly small, partitioned, sets of data.

These queries generally run fairly fast. Performance is not a problem.

However Postgres is chewing up huge amounts of memory just to create the query 

For example, even if I just run
EXPLAIN SELECT a_column FROM a_view
WHERE partition_id = 1;

Then the postgres backend process takes several seconds to return, and in the 
worst example here, is hogging more than 3Gbyte once it comes back. (It doesn't 
free that up until you close the connection)

The query plan that comes back does seem quite convoluted, but then, the view 
is a query run over about eight other views, each of which is pulling data from 
a few other views. The actual underlying data being touched is only *a few 
dozen* small rows.

As I said, the query runs fast enough.. however we only need a handful of these 
queries to get run in separate connections, and the database server will be 
exhausted of memory. Especially since the memory isn't returned until the end 
of the connection, yet these connections typically stay up for a while.

I wondered if there's anything I can do to reduce this memory usage? And, is 
this a bug?

I've posted the output of the query plan here: https://gist.github.com/2487097

Thanks in advance,


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