On 26/04/12 13:11, Tom Lane wrote:
Toby Corkindale<toby.corkind...@strategicdata.com.au>  writes:
Just wondering if anyone else has thoughts on this?

I'm still suspicious that this is a bug.

Well, if you were to provide a reproducible test case, somebody might be
motivated to look into it.  There could be a memory leak in the planner
somewhere, but without a test case it's not very practical to go look
for it.

Hi Tom,
Thanks for responding.. I'm trying to work on a test case, but it's quite tricky. It'll need to be something like a script that generates a tonne of partitions at the very least. I don't know if the actual amount of data in the partitions is part of the problem or not. Would a Perl-based script that built up a database like that be a useful test case for you?

For what it's worth, I discovered something quite interesting. The memory usage only blows out when I do an update based on the results of the query. But not if I just select the results on their own, nor if I do the update using those values on its own.


Method #1, uses all the memory and doesn't return it:
  explain update line set status = 'foo'
  where file_id=725 and line.lineno in (
    select line from complex_view
    where file_id=725

Method #2, also uses all the memory:
  explain update line set status = 'foo'
  from complex_view v
  where line.lineno = v.line
  and line.file_id=725
  and v.file_id=725;

Method #3, which uses next to no memory:
  explain select line from complex_view
  where file_id=725;

Method #4, which also uses next to no memory:
  explain create temp table foo as
  select line from complex_view;

  where file_id=725;
  update line set status = 'foo'
  from foo
  where line.lineno=foo.line
    and file_id=725;


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