On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 2:46 PM, Scott Marlowe <scott.marl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Most importantly, if you've got LOTS of talent for one distro or
> another, you're probably best off exploiting it.  If 95% of all the
> developers and ops crew run Ubuntu or Debian, stick to one of them.
> If they favor Fedora / RHEL stick to that.  If they work on windows,
> find a new job if at all possible.

+1. It's the little things that make the difference; I can casually
switch across from any of our client boxes to any of our servers,
because they ALL run Debian Squeeze. And my home boxes and my personal
server are also all either Debian Squeeze or some flavour of Ubuntu.
Keep things as similar as possible and you avoid wasting time over
trivialities like whether you can run ifconfig without becoming root
first, or which shells and scripting languages you have available (for
me, Python, bash, and Pike cover all my normal needs). Downtime costs
you, yes, but also, don't keep your developers waiting, child! Why,
their time is worth a thousand pounds a minute (in 1871 currency).

And +1 to the last comment, too :)


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