On 02/21/2013 03:18 PM, James B. Byrne wrote:

On Thu, February 21, 2013 16:02, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 02/21/2013 12:14 PM, James B. Byrne wrote:

The current arrangement is not really satisfactory as it requires
either separate template databases for each userid granted the
DBCREATE role or the superuser role has to be granted in place of
the DBCREATE role.

That is sort of the point of the template system, different templates
for different situations.

Creating a new database from the system provided standard templates is
not what I would consider a different situation requiring a
specialized template for each and every user granted the DBCREATE
role.  Requiring that seems to me to be busywork and a complete waste
of DBA resources.

If all the elements contained in the standard templates had their
ownerships changed to that of the owner of the new database then my
problem would never have arisen.  I do not understand why this is not
the case.  Is there a reason why this is so?

My previous not withstanding there is a reason I can see why this not so. Just because a user does not own an object does not mean they cannot use it. This allows a DBA to set up a template with a privilege scheme that suits their needs and then can be replicated. Under your proposal every time a database was created the privilege scheme would need to be reestablished. You want the one user model which can be had by doing everything as a superuser. This is why it is generally recommended to have various roles defined in your database cluster. One role being sufficiently privileged to do the superuser work and others for other tasks.

Adrian Klaver

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