Gavan Schneider <> writes:
> Therefore the discussion is really about the desired role for 
> the MONEY type. Should it be refined in its current dallar and 
> cents mode? or, be promoted to a more universal role (akin to a 
> shift from  ASCII to UTF)?

Well, this has been discussed before, and the majority view every
time has been that MONEY is a legacy thing that most people would
rather rip out than sink a large amount of additional effort into.
It has some use-cases but they are narrow, and it's not clear how
much wider the use-cases would be if we tried to generalize it.

My own experience with this sort of thing leads me to think that
real applications dealing with a variety of currencies will be
needing to store additional details, such as the exact exchange
rate that applied to a particular transaction.  So while merely
decoupling MONEY from lc_monetary doesn't sound like a bad thing,
it's not clear it really buys that much.

                        regards, tom lane

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