Condor, 10.04.2013 15:03:
Hello ppl,

I have a database where the previous owner use US date format in date fields:


Is there a way how to convert the fields in European format 18-02-2009.
I mean existing date in records. What's will be happened if I change format
in postgresql.conf ?

A date column does NOT have a format.

The format is only applied by the client application when _displaying_ the date.

Btw. 2009-02-18 is not the US format, it's the ISO format, in the US the format 
02/18/2012 is used.

psql (one of the possible client applications) uses the "datestyle" parameter 
to decide on how to format a date column when displaying it.

If you change the "datestyle" parameter in postgresql.conf, it will influence 
the way psql displays the date values. Probably pgAdmin will also check that setting (as 
I don't use pgAdmin I can't really tell).


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