From: Dev Kumkar []
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 1:59 PM
To: Dann Corbit
Cc: John R Pierce;;
Subject: Re: [ODBC] [GENERAL] ODBC constructs

I already have installed this on Linux from above link some days back but not 
able to find library. Can you point me to the same?
Also this link says to compile if its non-windows - Check 1.3

Can you point me to samples out there?

When you install an ODBC driver, it does not install a library.  It installs a 
DLL or shared object.
If you have already installed the driver, then set up your data source with a 
data source manager.

IODBC is a popular driver manager:

and UNIXODBC is another popular choice for an ODBC driver manager:

You link your application against the ODBC library for your platform.  Then it 
works with any data source you have configured using your driver manager.

Here is a little blurb about driver managers:

Here is an outline of using ODBC with IODBC:

Here are the UNIXODBC manuals:


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