> Currently looking for RHEL 5. Thanks! yes looked into my machine and "yum
> list postgres*" listed "postgresql91-odbc.x86_64"
>  But when trying to install, then found the base ODBC library itself are
> missing and those needs to be configured first on test machine.
> Error: Missing Dependency: libodbc.so.1()(64bit) is needed by package
> postgresql91-odbc-09.00.0310-1PGDG.rhel5.x86_64 (pgdg91)
> Error: Missing Dependency: libodbcinst.so.1()(64bit) is needed by package
> postgresql91-odbc-09.00.0310-1PGDG.rhel5.x86_64 (pgdg91)
> that should have come from the base repository...
> # yum provides libodbc.so.1
> Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities
> Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
>  * base: centos.mirrors.hoobly.com
>  * extras: centos.mirror.freedomvoice.com
>  * updates: centos-distro.cavecreek.net
> unixODBC-libs-2.2.11-10.el5.i386 : The shared libraries required by
> programs that use unixODBC
> Repo        : base
> Matched from:
> Other       : libodbc.so.1
> unixODBC-libs-2.2.11-10.el5.i386 : The shared libraries required by
> programs that use unixODBC
> Repo        : installed
> Matched from:
> Other       : Provides-match: libodbc.so.1
> (on a 32bit EL5 system)

 Ya it should have been with base registry. Where to get

Since ODBC driver was missing, downloaded unixODBC-2.3.0.tar.gz and
configured/make this. Now "which odbc_config" works
       # which odbc_config
       # odbc_config --libs
       -L/usr/local/lib -lodbc

But still 'yum install postgresql91-odbc' is giving errors.
Error: Missing Dependency: libodbc.so.1()(64bit) is needed by package
postgresql91-odbc-09.00.0310-1PGDG.rhel5.x86_64 (pgdg91)
Error: Missing Dependency: libodbcinst.so.1()(64bit) is needed by package
postgresql91-odbc-09.00.0310-1PGDG.rhel5.x86_64 (pgdg91)

I tried the other way then, building psqlodbc itself:
Downloaded psqlodbc driver from
http://psqlodbc.projects.postgresql.org/and tried configuring it. It
also gave error saying 'libpq' not found. Then
ran "yum -y install postgresql91-devel" and then configured with "$
./configure --with-libpq=/usr/pgsql-9.1/bin/pg_config" this worked without
'libpq error'. But still no real success as there were many errors thrown
for 'SQLExtendedFetch' and 'SQLROWSETSIZE'.



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