On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 8:35 AM, Joey Quinn <bjquinn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, no cancel... keeping my fingers crossed (rolling up on 170,000,000 ms -
> a bit over 47 hours - data folder size now at 1.11 TB).
> Fortunately, I'm pretty sure this will be my largest batch update (since the
> info is static, and available all at once, I was able to generate the
> complete script. In most cases, I will be retrieving data and that takes a
> bit longer).
> When I end up having to rebuild the entire thing on a separate system, can I
> divide the script up and launch it piecemeal in differ PGAdmin query windows
> for the parallel action? Or is there a particular command I have to give it?

For very large updates on mostly static data it may be better to
SELECT the data into a new table then swap it in when done.   MY rule
of thumb is that updates are 10x more expensive than inserts,
particularly in terms of large operations.


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