On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, [iso-8859-2] Marek Pêtlicki wrote:

> Has anybody used http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgsql ?
> I maintain production system based on Python and PostgreSQL.
> I currently use PoPy, but for a few reasons it doesn't satysfy me fully.
> The pgsql seems OK at first sight (especially libpq-to-Python API) but
> for the production system I need Python DB API 2.0 compliant library.
> Has anybody tested it yet? What is the status of PostgreSQL 7.1
> compliance for today?
> Any Python geeks out here? ;-)

Partially a Python geek here.

I use PoPy and think it's dandy. I also thought it *was* the DB API 2.0--
am I mistaken here?

PyGreSQL is more commonly used, and has (IMHO) a simpler, more dict-like
interface, but isn't (AFAIK) thread-safe, nor DB API compliant.

Joel Burton   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Director of Information Systems, Support Center of Washington

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