Joel Burton wrote:
> PyGreSQL is more commonly used, and has (IMHO) a simpler, more dict-like
> interface, but isn't (AFAIK) thread-safe, nor DB API compliant.

I wrote a small web application server in python ( using
Python and PyGreSQL.  PyGreSQL was (mostly) thread safe, in practice, when
I started using it.  I did a little bit of concurrency testing, found a few
uninitialized variables in the PyGreSQL module that caused crashes, but
these were easily fixed.  If by thread-safe you mean a connection can be
safely shared between multiple concurrent threads, I don't know what to say
(never tried that).  Pooling PyGreSQL connections and checking them in and
out to Python threads seemed to work well.

I haven't done much Python work lately, so I haven't tried PoPy (it sounds

Shaw Terwilliger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
SourceGear Corporation
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