
An update query is apparently succeeding, even though the query refers to 
fields that do not exist.  Here's the query:

update inventory set
x_coordinate = (select x_coordinate from bases where base = '101'),
y_coordinate = (select y_coordinate from bases where base = '101')
where charge = 100

-- select x_coordinate, y_coordinate from bases where base = '101'

When I run the update query, it tells me that the query succeeded and that four 
records were updated, which is what I expect.  But when I looked at the 
inventory table, I found that the four records were unchanged.  So, I tried to 
check the values of the base coordinates by running the select statement shown 
above.  That statement threw an error complaining that x_coordinate and 
y_coordinate did not exist.  This is correct; I should have been querying a 
view that includes those fields.  But why didn't the update statement throw an 


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