Le 18/05/2015 16:38, William Dunn a écrit :

Thank you William,

  * With read-only work loads you can make shared_buffers very large,
    like 40% of RAM available to the database. Usually you would keep it
    lower because in a write heavy workload large shared_buffers causes
    checkpoints to have huge IO, but since you are not making changes in
    shared_buffers this will not happen.

Yes, good idea.

  * You can also increase checkpoint_timeout to a very large value to
    prevent checkpoints, since you don't need them. WAL level can be
    minimal as well.

Already set to 5 min with 50 segments and 0.9 completion target (but used also for the bulk loading). But of course I will set it to 1 hour when in read only mode.

  * You can also run a CLUSTER command on one of your indexes to group
    data that is frequently accessed together into the same segment of
    disk so you can get more of it in a single IO operation.

Hum... I was planning to put indexes and data on different disks (SSD) / controller to maximize bandwith use, am I wrong?

  * You can also run the VACUUM FULL command during off-hours to get
    your tables vacuumed and statistics up-to-date. It's usually too
    much overhead to be worthwhile but since you are not doing updates
    you only have to do it once then don't need to worry about
    autovacuum being aggressive enough.

Vacuum is done at the end of the import and then set to off.

  * I don't think that removing locks will provide any benefit if your
    queries are truly read-only since ordinary read-only transactions do
    not require any locks

At least a read write lock should be needed, but you're right: better take a look at the source code to be sure.

Best regards

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