Sorry for top posting... 

I like what you said at the end.... Shouldn't the simple rule of thumb be that 
the discussion on the mailing list should be project related and all personal 
references should be avoided instead of finding the balancing equation..  
Someone mentioned earlier that signatures could be offensive, but signatures 
are personal and I am not sure if they should be part of the conduct as that is 
not a statement made to an individual. 


On Jan 24, 2016 06:19, Steve Litt <> wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 15:43:11 -0800 
> "Joshua D. Drake" <> wrote: 
> > I have been accused of being a fat hater. My crime? I suggested that 
> > generally speaking, obesity is a matter of diet and exercise. Worse? 
> > The individual started the conversation and I am also classified as 
> > obese (barely, I won't be in a month). 
> Perfect! 
> I know a person who is fat because his/her (I'll call the person male 
> from now on) thyroid was removed, and weight control is extremely 
> difficult under those circumstances. Do you think he'd feel welcome on 
> a list where somebody said "generally speaking, obesity is a matter of 
> diet and exercise?"[1] And then perhaps someone else says he thinks fat 
> people are lazy. 
> Is my overweight friend going to set you straight? Probably not. He 
> knows how much antifat prejudice exists in the employment marketplace, 
> and doesn't want to do anything do the slightest thing to "out" himself 
> to potential networking associates who haven't seen him in person. 
> And for what? What does a person's weight have to do with a great 
> and powerful Open Source relational database? Not a dam thing. 
> Hey, if the conflict is about technology, by all means have at it. It's 
> an argument that needs to happen in order to produce the best result. 
> But when it comes to gender, gender preference, gender-assignment, 
> race, nationality, religion, body shape, or political party (unless the 
> party takes a stand on technology), the CoC should ban negative 
> statements about that crap. 
> [1] I'm not faulting your example. Your example is relevant to the 
> discussion. I'm faulting a hypothetical person who comes on the list 
> and says that, apropos to nothing. 
> SteveT 
> Steve Litt 
> January 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting 
> -- 
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