
Two changes I would like to the Coc as it stands:

> * Participants must ensure that their language and actions are free
> of personal attacks and disparaging personal remarks.

Change the word "must" to "try to".  
You yourself said some people have called you sexist and against obese people 
because of some statements you made. 
They would say you did not ensure your language was free of personal attacks.  
Only bystanders can judge.

>> On 01/24/2016 08:13 AM, Chris Travers wrote:

>> If I could make one proposal for an additional clause:
>> * PostgreSQL is a community project and takes no position on any 
>> political question aside from its usage in the public sector (which we 
>> support).  We expect communication in community fora to respect this 
>> need.  The community is neither competent nor interested in resolving 
>> more general social or political questions.

> That won't work. The community does take positions. A good example is when 
> -core denounced the topless dancers at the Russian conference. 
> That position was taken without consideration that at a lot of this community 
> doesn't care, won't care, or agrees with the right for the Russian conference 
> to have those dancers. It was done so because -core wants all people to feel 
> welcome.

> Sincerely,

> JD

I would add another bullet:

* Participants try to look out for the well-being of each other. 
If a participant feels strongly that someone is being unfairly treated or 
then they are encouraged to speak up about it.

The reason for this last bullet is like in the example you said - if a woman 
says having topless dancers is wrong, then she could be viewed as a humorless 
If a man says it, it carries more weight.  So in this case, a man is better 
able to defend the concerns of a woman.

Similarly if I see a man being harassed by a woman, my voice as a woman carries 
more weight than a guy making the same exact statement 
or trying to defend himself.


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