På tirsdag 08. mars 2016 kl. 21:03:01, skrev David G. Johnston <
david.g.johns...@gmail.com <mailto:david.g.johns...@gmail.com>>:
On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Andreas Joseph Krogh <andr...@visena.com 
<mailto:andr...@visena.com>> wrote:
På tirsdag 08. mars 2016 kl. 17:38:04, skrev Joshua D. Drake <
j...@commandprompt.com <mailto:j...@commandprompt.com>>:
On 03/08/2016 08:02 AM, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:
 > På tirsdag 08. mars 2016 kl. 16:57:01, skrev Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us 
 > <mailto:t...@sss.pgh.pa.us <mailto:t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>>>:
 >     Andreas Joseph Krogh <andr...@visena.com <mailto:andr...@visena.com>> 
 >      > What I'm looking for is "inverse -b" in an otherwise complete
 >     dump. Any plans
 >      > to add that?
 >     [ shrug... ]  Nobody ever asked for it before.
 >     regards, tom lane
 > It surely helps testing production-datasets which contain lots of BLOBs
 > where one wants to dump the production-data into a test-env. We have
 >  >1TB databases containing > 95% blobs so it would help us tremendously
 > to have this option.

 I have quite a few customers that would benefit from the ability to not
 have blobs present in dumps.
Great! So how do we proceed to get "--no-blobs" added to pg_dump?
Maybe CommandPrompt and Visena should co-fund development of such an addition, 
if it's accepted by -hackers?
We'd be willing to pay for such an addition for the 9.5 branch, as a patch.
​Unfortunately this doesn't qualify as a bug fix - it is a new feature and 
thus is ineligible for inclusion in official 9.5


David J.

Of course. That's why I mentioned that, if possible, an unofficial patch to 
9.5 could be developed, funded partly by Visena (my company). Given that 
someone is willing to do this of course.
-- Andreas Joseph Krogh
CTO / Partner - Visena AS
Mobile: +47 909 56 963
andr...@visena.com <mailto:andr...@visena.com>
www.visena.com <https://www.visena.com>


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