Hash: RIPEMD160

> To move the DB,  you are suggesting something like this:
> pg_dump -h dbms11 -U postgres -C mls11 | psql -h localhost -d mls11

Basically yes.

> I'm not familiar with removing/adding indexes (I'm not a DBA, just trying
> to pretend to be one for this project).   Can you elaborate on what might I
> need to do there?

It basically means doing a DROP INDEX foobar; for each index on the new 
database, copying the data over, and then doing CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY 
foobar ...

You mentioned that a pg_dump and psql restore takes longer than your 2 hour 
window, but a lot of that time may simply be the index creations. You should 
test out how long your biggest table takes by doing this:

* Copy the schema only to the new server:

pg_dump mls11 -h dbms11 --schema-only -C | psql

* Pick your largest table on the new server, and drop all indexes, 
triggers, and constraints on it. Then time copying the data:

time pg_dump mls11 -h dbms11 --data-only -t foobar | psql mls11 -h newhost 

This should give you a better indication of the bare minimum time needed 
for that table. If you can find a newer version of pg_dump, you can do 
all of the above a lot easier like so:

pg_dump mls11 -h dbms11 --section=pre-data -C | psql
time pg_dump mls11 -h dbms11 --section=data | psql mls11 

This copies all the tables, and prevents the indexes and foreign keys from 
being created. If that comes under your 2 hour window, you can at least have 
a usable production database, and then start adding the indexed and foreign 
back in. There are some further tricks one can do to speed up the transfer 
but this will get you in the basic ballpark.

(It should be noted that Postgres 8.3 is extremely old and completely 
unsupported. The inability to easily migrate to a new server is unlikely 
to be your last problem because of this. You may even want to push for 
a migration to 9.5 if you can, as that will also incur the same migration 
timings as moving to a new 8.3 server, but at the end of the day you will 
have a shiny 9.5 database.)

If that transfer is still over the 2 hour window, you will have to look into 
a trigger based solution that can handle such an old version (which basically 
means Slony or Bucardo). Even if it cannot copy all of the tables, it may be 
able to do some of them, and then you can use pg_dump | psql for the rest.

- -- 
Greg Sabino Mullane g...@turnstep.com
End Point Corporation http://www.endpoint.com/
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 201605272040


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