
Could you please avoid unedited top posts?

On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 7:53 PM, Martín Marqués <> wrote:
> I still don't understand why the OP is getting into so much trouble and
> doesn't upgrade to a newer version like 9.3 or 9.4 (or even 9.5).

Neither do I, but the thing is trying to find the fastest way to move
a single database between two clusters on different machines, or
trying to find a way to do it without downtime, is useful on its own,
whicever the versions are.

> All this hassle to stay on an unsupported postgres is just useless, IMNSHO.

You can ask the OP for the reason to stay in 8.3 directly. Maybe is
something as simple as "I'm the one who pays, you do what I pay you
for.". I've had several of these.

Francisco Olarte.

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