Hi sir

This is mahesh. i got following erro when i ran

./runMTK.sh -sourcedbtype sqlserver -targetSchema public -schemaOnly
-allTables dbo

below error generated as i have given correct credentials to connect
respective server & database

 how to rectify this issue sir....please let me know

Running EnterpriseDB Migration Toolkit (Build 49.0.4) ...
Source database connectivity info...
conn =jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://dns name/DataFee
user =trustfort
Target database connectivity info...
conn =jdbc:postgresql://dnsname:5432/
user =postgres
Connecting with source SQL Server database server...
Connected to Microsoft SQL Server, version '10.50.1600'
Connecting with target EnterpriseDB database server...
MTK-10045: The URL specified for the "target" database is invalid.
Check the connectivity credentials.
Stack Trace:
com.edb.MTKException: MTK-10045: The URL specified for the "target"
database is invalid.
Check the connectivity credentials.
    at com.edb.MigrationToolkit.initToolkit(MigrationToolkit.java:3378)
    at com.edb.MigrationToolkit.main(MigrationToolkit.java:1700)

./runMTK.sh -sourcedbtype sqlserver -targetSchema public -schemaOnly
-allTables dbo

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