On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 3:35 PM, Ken Tanzer <ken.tan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I believe this is because tbl_payment has a constraint that calls a
> function has_perm() that relies on data in a couple of other tables

​Indeed this is the cause.  That configuration is not supported.  If you
need to lookup values in other tables you either need to use an actual FK
constraint or create a trigger for the validation.

> So I can switch to Custom format for future backups.  But regarding the
> existing backups I have in Tar format, is there any way to successfully
> restore them?  Specifically:
>    - Any way to ignore or delay constraint checking?  Something like
>    disable-triggers?
> ​Using and then disabling triggers is the "closest" solution​.

>    - Any way to tell pg_restore to skip past the failing row, and restore
>    the rest of what was in tbl_payment?
> ​No, COPY doesn't have that capability and that is what is being used
under the hood.

>    - Some other way to go about this?
> ​Ideally figure out how to write an actual FK constraint - otherwise use

> I also wonder if you folks might consider adding something like a
> --test_restore option to pg_dump

-1; pg_dump should not be trying to restore things.​  The core developers
shouldn't really concern themselves with the various and sundry ways people
might want to setup such a process.  You have tools for dump, and tools for
restore, and you can combine them in whatever fashion you deem useful.  Or
otherwise acquire someone else's ideas.

​David J.​

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