On Mon, 7 May 2001, Ian Harding wrote:

> I am generating scripts from MSSQL Server and converting them to
> create objects in PostgreSQL.  It is suprisingly easy.  However, I
> think I may have hit a rock.
> It appears that PostgreSQL does not support listing constraints to be
> added as in the following syntax:
> alter table foo add 
>       constraint fk_foo_bar foreign key 
>       (
>               fooid
>       ) references bar (
>               barid
>       ),
>       constraint fk_foo_baz foreign key 
>       (
>               footooid
>       ) references baz (
>               bazid
>       );
> Is this true?  Is this something that is being considered for addition?

AFAICS, that's not supported by the grammar in the SQL spec, however 
it may be a reasonable extension.

> Also, I see that alter table add constraint does not work for 
> defaults.  Is this something that is going to be added?
again AFAICS, add constraint has nothing to do with defaults,
it's for adding, unique/pkey, fkey and check constraints.  Ours
currently doesn't handle unique/pkey.  Probably will for 7.2.

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