On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 05:03:33PM -0400, Lamar Owen wrote:
: I think most people that say they'd not run RHL either simply don't like 
: Linux or just don't like Red Hat.  Nothing different in this than the 
: attitude of MySQL users who just simply don't like PostgreSQL.  Or they've 
: heard that Postgres95 1.01 was a dog, so they won't use PostgreSQL 7.1.2.  
: The same comparison holds for Red Hat -- the number of possible reasons to 
: not use it in a production, 24x7, high-load environment are shrinking with 
: every release.

Well, to defend some of those people, we're writing a very database
intensive app that's attempting to be SQL agnostic.  For the most part
it works with MySQL and Postgres both (one or two minor hacks in the
database abstraction layer to support features that are just *too*
different to code around).  When we run this system under Solaris x86,
MySQL kicks the pants off Postgres using the same data.  When we
switched that over to an identical box running Linux (it's RH7.1, but
really, it's the kernel and underlying system that matter), Postgres
runs much better than both the Solaris MySQL and Postgres installs with
the same data and code.

I had almost given up on using Postgres for this system because under
Solaris, it just couldn't cut it (MySQL could do the work with one CPU
while Postgres took up even more CPU and required *both* CPUs to be
enabled), but when we moved the system to a Linux box, things worked
much better.

Go figure.

I'm sure that many people's attitudes about RH are the same way.  Older
versions of RedHat just felt really bloated and slow.  RH7.1 feels much
tighter, but if I had been turned off by older versions, I never
would've tried it.

* Philip Molter
* DataFoundry.net
* http://www.datafoundry.net/

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