> So far I haven't seen any real flames or insults thrown about 
> yet  - no MYsql will kill your puppy threads at all. There 
> can be rigourous discussion without insults being thrown and 
> so far that's all I've seen.

No, but it WILL kill your data, if the DB is big enough and has been in
use long enough.. speaking from personal experience *weep* ;-)

I used to think mysql was great while I was learning SQL, because it was
free, unbloated, and easy to use.  But I think one grows out of it for
larger and more complex projects... Postgres' larger set of features and
sophisticated locking become invaluable.

I know (from reading this list) that people sometimes have trouble with
PGSQL, but quite honestly I found that after I had read the Postgresql
docs in their entirety, everything "fit" and seemed intuitive.  (I found
it not unlike the feeling of becoming a FreeBSD user after having used

For the project as a whole I guess its a matter of killing off the
genuine FUD with one hand, and fixing the areas in Postgres that MySQL
does have genuinely have an advantage, with the other hand.

- Andrew

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