Sorry if I insulted the wrong people.

Like I said in the message, "The odd comparison is OK" was poorly
stated, I was tired of having to go through all the posts from people
who appear to be close to anti PostgreSQL. I was trying to indicate that
suggesting feature enhancements that are SQL92 and in other databases
are appropriate. I am not saying in any way that MySQL's features are
bad, but I would rather see PostgreSQL specification compliant than a
MySQL knock off.

Of course the management programs may not be required to meet any
specifications. I the suggestions are aimed at making the management
system better suggestions should be welcome.

I am not against discussing comparisons between PostgreSQL and other
RDBMS systems. Discussions are often a good way of sowing the seeds of
ideas for the developers. When discussions appear to become arguments it
seems appropriate that somebody steps in to calm down the thread.

Again, I am sorry for being harsh, I was upset, but that is no excuse.


PS: I hope this thread can stop soon.

There is a fine line between genius and lunacy, fear not, walk the
line with pride. Not all things will end up as you wanted, but you
will certainly discover things the meek and timid will miss out on.

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