> I'd probably go for a 3ware RAID instead... IDE disks are so much
> cheaper nowadays than SCSI, and the premium isn't really justifiable
> anymore.

   Having used IDE and SCSI disks, when I'm serious about performance, IDE
doesn't even enter my mind.  Also, over on the XFS list, there are a few
people that have been using 3ware cards, and it sounds like there are
still some serious caveats/bugs to them.  Myself, I much prefer a good
SCSI RAID card that's going to work, and going to work well.

  (As an aside, one person was in a heated argument about how much cheaper
IDE was than SCSI.  I got on pricewatch, found some prices, and would have
been able to put together a very fast SCSI system for the same price as
his IDE array.)


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