Let me run some numbers. I'm interested in the idea, and I think I can push one of my clients on it.

Do the core folk (Tom/Bruce/Jan/etc) think this is doable with that sort of time commitment? Is it maintainable over time? Or are we pissing in the wind?

On Tuesday, September 16, 2003, at 03:59 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

And that has nothing to do with user need as a whole, since the care level I mentioned is predicated by the developer interest level. While I know, Marc, how the whole project got started (I have read the first posts), and I appreciate that you, Bruce, Thomas, and Vadim started the original core team because you were and are users of PostgreSQL, I sincerely believe that in this instance you are out of touch with this need of many of today's userbase. And I say that with full knowledge of PostgreSQL Inc.'s support role. If given the choice between upgrading capability, PITR, and Win32 support, my vote would go to upgrading. Then migrating to PITR won't be a PITN.

If someone is willing to pony up 2000.00 per month for a period of at least 6 months, I will dedicated one of my programmers to the task. So if you want it bad enough there it is. I will donate all changes, patches etc.. to the project and I will cover the additional costs that are over and above the 12,000. If we get it done quicker, all the better.


Joshua Drake

Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC and S/JDBC
Postgresql support, programming shared hosting and dedicated hosting.
+1-503-222-2783 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.commandprompt.com
The most reliable support for the most reliable Open Source database.

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend


Andrew Rawnsley
The Ravensfield Digital Resource Group, Ltd.
(740) 587-0114

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