On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Randolf Richardson, DevNet SysOp 29 wrote:

> > An ISP I belong to uses Majordomo for their mailing list system. I'd like 
> > to encourage them to move to a system that uses a database, preferably 
> > psql which they already run on their server. Anything out there in Php?
>       I doubt there's anything in PHP since PHP is a language purely used for 
> the dynamic generation of web pages (and possibly other types of documents 
> for any other systems which are able to embed PHP on the server-side in a 
> similar fashion to Dynamic HTML in the way Apache HTTPd does).
>       You may have more success if you search on PERL or other languages.

This is simply not true.   PHP comes in both a web ready embedded version, 
as well as a CLI version, and is quite capable, even of handling things 
like streams and such, and can even be used to write a daemon listening on 
a port quite easily.

Just because it (probably) hasn't been used to write such a system doesn't 
mean you couldn't do it in PHP.

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