El Mar 30 Dic 2003 04:07, B. van Ouwerkerk escribió:
> >Does it say that there is a limit? Yes surely there is one, which most
> > likely will depends on the Processor and OS you are running (64 bit or 32
> > bit), but anyway, such log varchars wouldn't be that recommended, and
> > maybe the TEXT data type would be more suitable.
> If you are used to MySQL you're used to a maximum limit because of MySQL
> will set a limit.
> This kind of information is interesting if you're trying to understand
> PostgreSQL.

Well, maybe it's because I read some mails from Tom Lane discussing how 
optimal varchar(300000) would be. :-)

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Martín Marqués        | select 'mmarques' || '@' || 'unl.edu.ar'
Centro de Telematica  |  DBA, Programador, Administrador
             Universidad Nacional
                  del Litoral

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