This is exactly why I got my Cisco CCNA qualification, not because I wanted to work with Cisco Routing equipment (because quite frankly I can't think of a duller subject) but because I could show potential employers/clients a well rounded skill set. This means I can appreciate implications broader than just my specialisation, and see the bigger picture, and also if pushed and there was no network engineer around I can get a router up and working again in an emergency situation (doesn't mean it'd be secure, just that it would route packets in the right general direction)

Many people quoted the CCIE as the ultimate in qualifications. Cisco touted the CCIE course/exam as the best on the market, their claim was that there was no way to gain the qualification without real world experience and without knowing the subject in reality (i.e. you can't learn this just by absorbing a book) and had a big practicle exam you had to travel to Cisco for to complete the final stages, where they would lock you in a room with a bunch of kit and tell you to design and trouble shoot various networks. I don't know many CCIEs but at least 3 that I know all got their CCIE without ever laying hands on much more than a 4ft high stack of Sybex exam guides.

I'm with Joshua on this one.

I have been a consultant with Microsoft Operating Systems for sometime now, but never sat any of their exams, because my experience with Network Operating Systems speaks for itself. I've never had my abilities questioned by an employer (only by employment agency staff that don't know their subject and insist that no one can be put forward for this contract without at least an MCP????) not even by Microsoft when I did work for them.

0.02 cents


Joshua D. Drake wrote:

I think what a lot of people forget is that certifications are meant
to be a baseline. They are meant to allow an employer to say, "Hey this person at least has some idea of what they are doing."

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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