I have a strange error.
when I do a ps aux I get:
postgres 15018  0.0  0.6  9192 7396 ?        S    09:20   0:00 /usr/bin/perl /www/nexum/cgi-bin/accounting/posting/automatic_posting
postgres 15019  0.0  0.3 25696 4176 ?        S    09:20   0:00 postgres: postgres nexum [local]: idle
a little bit about the system. 
It's a Dell Power Edge 500 sc with 1G Mem and a PIII 1Ghz processor 40G HDD
running RHEL 3.0 with apache 2.0.46
This perl script is designed to handle payment posting for an application we developed.  It runs fine on our development server which is running apache 1.3.27 on ES 2.1
on the production server the script hangs and we see the above msg in "ps aux"
we wrote a wrapper for the program that will exec it from the command line and everything runs a-o-k
has anyone else encounted something like this?  should I downgrade the installation of apache?
the script is using Pg.pm and makes many database calls in side of a transaction session.  turning on max debug from postgresql has not yeilded any  errors and putting in our own debug statements to print to STDERR to goto the apache log also yeilds nothing since we can't see anything until we kill the process.  then what it remembers gets dumped to the error log.
Jon Pastore RHCE, President
IDE Tech, Inc.
(954) 360-0393 Office
(954) 428-0442 Fax
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