On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 09:12:27PM -0400, Jon Pastore wrote:
> This perl script is designed to handle payment posting for an application we
> developed.  It runs fine on our development server which is running apache
> 1.3.27 on ES 2.1
> on the production server the script hangs and we see the above msg in "ps
> aux"
> we wrote a wrapper for the program that will exec it from the command line
> and everything runs a-o-k
> has anyone else encounted something like this?  should I downgrade the
> installation of apache?

It's a Perl script, so why aren't you concerned about the Perl version?
If you can run it through the Perl debugger, you should be able to see
where it's hanging.  That's probably your best course of action.
Barring that, start putting some printf's in there to see where it's

Michael Darrin Chaney

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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