On Tue, 2004-08-24 at 16:33, Christine Desmuke wrote:
> At the risk of starting a flame-war, I'd like some more details on the
> use of Gentoo Linux for a production PostgreSQL server. There have been
> a couple of comments lately that it is not such a great idea; does
> anyone have specific experience they'd be willing to share?

I used Gentoo for a long time on my home systems but I recently quit.

It's a "fun" distro as far as the options and all, and it has a great
user community for support.. but I got tired of the Gentoo developers
(whether intentional or not) pushing out new stuff marked as "stable"
when it obviously was not.  The price was right and I knew going in I
wasn't getting a perfectly stable distro, but nevertheless they left me
with a broken machine on several occasions.  Having a slightly faster
machine isn't worth the headaches to me personally.

For stability, db/web server usage and such, I'd go with Debian.
For features, desktop systems, etc., I'd go with Suse.  9.1 is
For security, firewall, or router usage, I'd go with *BSD.

Greg Donald

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