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Jeremiah Elliott wrote:

| Gaetano Mendola wrote:
|> Barry S wrote:
|>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Christine Desmuke" wrote:
|>>> Hello:
|>>> At the risk of starting a flame-war, I'd like some more details on the
|>>> use of Gentoo Linux for a production PostgreSQL server. There have been
|>>> a couple of comments lately that it is not such a great idea; does
|>>> anyone have specific experience they'd be willing to share?
|>> <snip>
|>> I'm an ex-Gentoo admin, not because gentoo isn't fun, just that you need
|>> to really really like to constantly fiddle with it to keep it happy.
|>> The worst thing is to have not done an 'emerge world' in 2 months, only
|>> to discover that there are now 99 pending updates.
|> Do you was obliged to catch them ?
|> Gaetano
| I use gentoo and RHEL.  My biggest beef with redhat is that their rpm of
| postgres is of a rather old version, so I end up downloading the source
| tar and compiling it my self. Also I would really like to be running XFS
| on all my databases servers, but the only fs I can run on the redhat
| servers is ext3.
| -jeremiah

And how RH can delivery a Postgres upgrade if it require an initdb ?
The reason as already discussed is a leak of pg_upgrade that can permit
the upgrade without perform a cicle of:


and even if the pg_upgrade was existing for sure I'll not trust my data to
an automatic upgrade.

Regards Gaetano Mendola

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