Dennis Gearon wrote:

Google probably is much bigger, and on mainframes, and probably Oracle or DB2.

Google uses a Linux cluster and there database is HUGE. I do not know which database
they use. I bet they built their own specifically for what they do.


Joshua D. Drake

But the table I am worried about is the one sized >= 3.6 GIGA records.

Tino Wildenhain wrote:


Am Do, den 21.10.2004 schrieb Dennis Gearon um 1:30:

I am designing something that may be the size of yahoo, google, ebay, etc.

Just ONE many to many table could possibly have the following characteristics:

   3,600,000,000 records
   each record is 9 fields of INT4/DATE

Other tables will have about 5 million records of about the same size.

There are lots of scenarios here to lessson this.

BUT, is postgres on linux, maybe necessarily a 64 bit system, cabable of this? And there'd be 4-5 indexes on that table.

Sure. Why not? 3...5mio records is not really a problem. We had bigger tables with historic commercial transactions (even on an old dual PIII/1000) with fine performance. I bet however, yahoo, google at least are much bigger :-)


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