Great Idea! When I get that far, I will try it.

Gaetano Mendola wrote:


For partion in some way I don't mean only split it in more tables. You
can use some available tools in postgres and continue to see this table
as one but implemented behind the scenes with more tables.
One usefull and impressive way is to use the inheritance in order to obtain
a vertical partition

0) Decide a partition policy ( based on time stamp for example )
1) Create an empty base table with the name that you want see as "public"
2) Create the partition using the empty table as base table
3) Create a rule on the base table so an insert or the update on it is
~ performed as a insert or an update on the right table ( using the partition
~ policy at step 0 )

in this way you are able to vacuum each partition, reindex each partition and
so on in a more "feseable way" I do not immagine vacuum full or reindex a
3,600,000,000 records table...

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